2024 TSLA/PAC Member Challenge

Goal = $50,000
Current amount contributed = $41,825

An important part of the legislative process is maintaining relationships with key Texas legislators. This includes periodic meetings and financial support. In preparation for the upcoming election, the TSLA has identified key legislators that need our support.

You are being challenged to help the TSLA/PAC reach their goal this year! 
We want to involve everyone in our member offices and challenge them to make a difference in our political efforts.
Contributions to the TSLA/PAC play an important role in making sure that legislators know TSLA is proactive on the issues affecting our industry and our state.
No donation is too small or too large.

Donation Level:
Recreational: $0 - $20,000  ::   Amateur - $20,001 to $40,000  ::  Professional - $40,001 to $50,000