TWIA Rule Proposal - Premium Refund Due


TDI proposes a rule to implement an increase in Motor Vehicle Crime Prevention Authority pass-through fee

TDI is accepting public comments on a rule proposal amending 28 TAC §5.205. The amendments implement Senate Bill 224. SB 224 increased the Motor Vehicle Crime Prevention Authority pass-through fee to pay for detection and prevention of catalytic converter theft.

View the proposal for the full text and how to submit comments. For other related dates and documents, visit TDI’s Proposed and Adopted Rules for 2024 webpage.

TDI proposes a rule that specifies when a TWIA premium refund is due

TDI proposes amendments to 28 TAC §5.4905 to align the section with Insurance Code §2210.204, as amended by House Bill 3208 (88R, 2023). The amendments specify when a premium refund is due to a policyholder who cancels a TWIA policy.

View the proposal for the full text and how to submit comments.

For other dates and documents related to this action, visit TDI's Proposed and Adopted Rules for 2024 webpage.