Photo of Terence Babler

Terence Babler

VP / Broker

Brown & Riding

Professional Bio

TSLA Vice President (2024-2025)
Vice President, Property Broker - Brown & Riding

Terence Babler is the Vice President and Property Broker at Brown & Riding, with over 13 years of experience in the industry. He currently serves as the Vice President of TSLA for the 2024-2025 term, motivated by the opportunity to give back to the industry that has greatly influenced his career. Terence values TSLA for its unique blend of professional development and a welcoming, family-like atmosphere, providing a fantastic space for networking. Outside of work, he has held a commercial truck driver's license, attended over 100 NASCAR races, and been to two Summer Olympic Games.


Photo of Brown & Riding Brown & Riding
901 Main Street Suite 3650
Dallas, TX 75202
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